



Open Doors

Theo Tan

During ‘Open Doors’ Summer School, students were guided by architects Theo Tan and Matt Lucraft to design and build two thresholds for the STORE STORE Pavilion. ⁠From a stone arch and a Chinese Paifang to a creaking shed door, students explored how openings operate and how they make people feel. They then used timber bending and veneer techniques to collaborate on the design of the pavilion doors.

STORE STORE Pavilion is part of a wider project, STORE BUILD, which is exploring the transformation of a garage site into education and workshop space. This build project is implementing a radical process of applied learning and participatory design with young people from the local community. ⁠⁠

This project is supported by Kings Cross, Kiosk N1C, Maylim Limited, Rochester Square, Global Generation and General Demolition.

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